

Self Determined Participatory Action of Marginalized Groups: The streets of São Paulo

Urban Mirror

Type Attachment
URL http://www.urbanmirror.org/content/
Accessed 2010-11-05 13:00:36
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Urban Mirror

Type Web Page
Author Urban Mirror
URL http://www.urbanmirror.org/content/
Date 2010
Accessed 2010-11-05 13:00:34
Abstract WHAT
Urban Mirror is a project about art and public space, a window into Kenya's urban art scene: audio, visual, performance, literature ….

We believe that artists are a mirror for the community and we want to give them a voice

mapping all known and lesser known artists in Kenya
mapping all the public art ideas in Kenya
mapping all the art centres and art events in Kenya
mapping all the public spaces in Kenya
connecting art with public space
creating a community among all the artists in Kenya
giving artists a temporary platform to showcase their work – the Urban Mirror Show

Urban Mirror is a Community Based Organization started by the hip hop music group Ukoo Flani and the multimedia NGO Cultural Video Foundation. The main purpose of the Organisation is to use art to promote community development.

Website Title Urban Mirror

Grassroots Mapping

Type Attachment
URL http://grassrootsmapping.org/
Accessed 2010-11-05 12:57:48
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Grassroots Mapping

Type Web Page
Author Grassroots Mapping
URL http://grassrootsmapping.org/
Date 2010
Accessed 2010-11-05 12:57:46
Language English
Abstract Grassroots Mapping is a series of participatory mapping projects involving communities in cartographic dispute, started by Jeffrey Warren of the MIT Media Lab‘s Center for Future Civic Media.

This January 2010, Jeff Warren worked with a series of organizations and communities to produce maps with children and adults from several communities in Lima, including the Cantagallo settlement of Shipibo on the bank of the Rimac and the Juan Pablo II community in Villa El Salvador.

Seeking to invert the traditional power structure of cartography, the grassroots mappers used helium balloons and kites to loft their own "community satellites" made with inexpensive digital cameras. The resulting images, which are owned by the residents, are georeferenced and stitched into maps which are 100x higher resolution that those offered by Google, at extremely low cost. In some cases these maps may be used to support residents' claims to land title. By creating open-source tools to include everyday people in exploring and defining their own geography, we hopes to enable a diverse set of alternative agendas and practices, and to emphasize the fundamentally narrative and subjective aspects of mapping over its use as a medium of control.

Website Title Grassroots Mapping

Solidarity Maps

Type Attachment
URL http://kharita.wordpress.com/
Accessed 2010-11-05 12:55:15
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Solidarity Maps

Type Web Page
Author Solidarity Maps
URL http://kharita.wordpress.com/
Date 2009
Accessed 2010-11-05 12:55:14
Abstract Kharita is a collaborative initiative of Lebanese, Palestinian and other activists.
We produce and share advocacy maps on Middle East conflicts, particularly on Palestinian cause.
Website Title Solidarity Maps

Map Kibera

Type Attachment
URL http://mapkibera.org/
Accessed 2010-11-05 12:50:56
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Map Kibera

Type Web Page
Author MapKibera
URL http://mapkibera.org/
Date 2010
Accessed 2010-11-05 12:50:54
Language English
Abstract Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya, widely known as Africa's largest slum, remains a blank spot on the map. Without basic knowledge of the geography and resources of Kibera it is impossible to have an informed discussion on how to improve the lives of residents. This November, young Kiberans create the first public digital map of their own community.
Website Title Map Kibera

Cidade Tiradentes – Cartovideografia

Type Attachment
URL http://www.cidadetiradentes.org.br/#
Accessed 2010-11-05 12:48:30
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Character Set utf-8

Cidade Tiradentes – Cartovideografia

Type Map
URL http://www.cidadetiradentes.org.br/#
Date 2010
Accessed 2010-11-05 12:48:28
Series Title Cidade Tiradentes – Cartovideografia
Language Portuguese

open access bibliography and sources

all literature references at rtc@zotero.org

open access thesis repository

all thesis Tex documents at rtc@github.com

opens maps

open map editing at

audio and video archives

all recordings at rtc@archive.org


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