This thesis guiding objectives are meant to…
…provide transparency about the reasons and means of research action(s) and theorizing.
…define a thesis self-conception to reveal my personal standpoint in order allow others to understand my motivation and its influence on the form and content of this thesis and research. (p.44)
…make transparent that research and thesis theorizing reflects the standpoint of the people on the streets in São Paulo [at least of those I stayed with]. (p.30)
…make transparent that this thesis theorizing is composed of partial street knowledge and partial academic knowledge. (p.36)
…open access to the thesis knowledge and content in order to allow tracing back all sources I made use of and I was inspired and influenced by and in order to freely share the thesis content for reuse and formulation of critiques. (p.36)
…realize research in a participatory and collaborative manner. (p.27)
…realize research in a non-authoritarian and non-hierarchical manner. (p.24)
…produce alternative content that is accompanying this thesis realization in order to document the research process and history and that is composed of all sources that are not directly entering the written thesis. (p.34)
Figure 7.11 Description of thesis guiding objectives.
what do i want? << objectives//guiding >> objectives//theorizing