

Self Determined Participatory Action of Marginalized Groups: The streets of São Paulo

Links::Urban Struggle for the Right to the City (en)

Complete links list for Urban Struggle for the Right to the City (en)

Bellin, C., Gaswerk Grasbrook, Magdeburger Hafen, Geschichte Hamburger Hafen in Fotos. Historische Hamburger Luftbilder. Available at: http://www.hamburger-fotoarchiv.de/bilder_hafen/frames/frames_267_2417_luftaufnahme_hamburg.html [Accessed January 9, 2011].

BFSC, Barcelona Model of Urban Regeneration. Barcelona Field Studies Centre. Available at: http://geographyfieldwork.com/BarcelonaModel2.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

CDRJ, 2010. Histórico do Porto. Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro. Available at: http://www.portosrio.gov.br/node/4 [Accessed January 13, 2011].

cefetsp, CORTIÇOS. CORTIÇOS. Available at: http://www.cefetsp.br/edu/eso/geografia/corticos261.html [Accessed January 13, 2011].

galataport.org, 2010. GALATAPORT: Galaport Projesi ile ilgili tum bilgiler burada. Galataport Karaköy İstanbul Istanbul. Available at: http://www.galataport.org/ [Accessed January 12, 2011].

GaWC, 2010. GaWC – Globalization and World Cities. Globalization and World Cities Research Network. Available at: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc/index.html [Accessed December 1, 2010].

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, 2010a. Am Sandtorkai / Dalmannkai – Projekt 24: Elbphilharmonie. HafenCity Hamburg. Available at: http://www.hafencity.com/de/am-sandtorkai-dalmannkai/projekt-24-elbphilharmonie.html [Accessed January 9, 2011].

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, 2010b. Das Hamburg Cruise Center HafenCity. HafenCity Hamburg. Available at: http://www.hafencity.com/de/infocenter/das-hamburg-cruise-center-hafencity.html [Accessed January 9, 2011].

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, 2010c. HafenCity Hamburg. HafenCity Hamburg. Available at: http://www.hafencity.com/index.php?set_language=de&cccpage=staedtebau_artikel&show=artikel&item=13 [Accessed January 9, 2011].

Harvey, D., 2008. The Right to the City. New Left Review, (53). Available at: http://www.newleftreview.org/?page=article&view=2740 [Accessed July 19, 2010].

HGK, 2010a. Chronologie. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/WETTBEWERBE.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

HGK, 2010b. Pandion Vista. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/Die%20PROJEKTE/3%20KranhausVista.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

HGK, 2010c. Rheinauhafen. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/Rheinauhafen.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

HGK, 2010d. Siebengebirge. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/Die%20PROJEKTE/9%20SIEBEN.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

HGK, 2010e. Wohnwer[f]t 18.20. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/Die%20PROJEKTE/13%20WW.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

Loughborough University, 2010. Loughborough University. Loughborough University. Available at: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/ [Accessed December 1, 2010].

Pela Moradia, 2010. Pela Moradia. Pela Moradia. Available at: http://pelamoradia.wordpress.com/ [Accessed November 9, 2010].

Rio Negócios, 2010a. 2014 World Cup. Rio Negócios. Available at: http://www.rio-negocios.com/site/en/2014-world-cup/ [Accessed January 13, 2011].

Rio Negócios, 2010b. 2016 Olympics. Rio Negócios. Available at: http://www.rio-negocios.com/site/en/2016-olympics/ [Accessed January 13, 2011].

Rio Prefeitura & CDURP, 2010. Projeto Porto Maravilha. Projeto Porto Maravilha. Available at: http://www.portomaravilhario.com.br/cdurp/ [Accessed January 13, 2011].

RSK, 2010. Rheinauhafen. Köln Marina RSK. Available at: http://www.rheinau-sporthafen.de/ [Accessed January 10, 2011].

RVG, 2010. Das Konzept des Rheinauhafens. Rheinauhafen Köln. Available at: http://www.rheinauhafen-koeln.de/Konzept [Accessed January 10, 2011].

da Silva, C., 2009. As ocupações de prédios vazios e o esvaziamento do centro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. ChiqdaSilva. Available at: http://www.chiqdasilva.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56:imgtxt01&catid=3:textos&Itemid=4 [Accessed November 5, 2010].

STUDIOSarchitecture, 2010. Galata Port. STUDIOSarchitecture. Available at: http://www.studiosarchitecture.com/projects/65 [Accessed January 11, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010. Agribusiness. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Agribusiness [Accessed December 1, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2011. Cologne. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Cologne [Accessed January 10, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010a. Condominium. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Condos [Accessed January 10, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010b. David Harvey (Geograph). Wikipedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/wiki/David_Harvey_(Geograph) [Accessed November 23, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2011. Favela. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Favela [Accessed January 13, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2001. HafenCity. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/wiki/HafenCity [Accessed January 9, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010. Henri Lefebvre. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_Lefebvre [Accessed November 19, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2011. Istanbul. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Istanbul [Accessed January 11, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010a. John Friedmann. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/John_Friedmann [Accessed January 14, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010b. Karaköy. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Karak%C3%B6y [Accessed January 11, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010c. Kranhaus. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/wiki/Kranhaus [Accessed January 10, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010d. Manuel Castells. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Manuel_Castells [Accessed December 1, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2010e. Opera Australia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Sydney_Opera [Accessed January 9, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010f. Peter Hall (urbanist). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Peter_Hall_(urbanist) [Accessed November 25, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2011. Rio de Janeiro. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Rio_de_janeiro#Port [Accessed January 13, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010a. Saskia Sassen. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Saskia_Sassen [Accessed November 23, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2010b. Severinsviertel. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/wiki/K%C3%B6ln-Altstadt-S%C3%BCd#Severinsviertel [Accessed January 10, 2011].

Wikipédia, 2011. Porto de Itaguaí. Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/pt/wiki/Porto_de_Sepetiba [Accessed January 13, 2011].

References::Urban Struggle for the Right to the City (en)

Complete reference list for Urban Struggle for the Right to the City (en)

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