

Self Determined Participatory Action of Marginalized Groups: The streets of São Paulo

Links::Urban Struggle for the Right to the City (en)

Complete links list for Urban Struggle for the Right to the City (en)

Bellin, C., Gaswerk Grasbrook, Magdeburger Hafen, Geschichte Hamburger Hafen in Fotos. Historische Hamburger Luftbilder. Available at: http://www.hamburger-fotoarchiv.de/bilder_hafen/frames/frames_267_2417_luftaufnahme_hamburg.html [Accessed January 9, 2011].

BFSC, Barcelona Model of Urban Regeneration. Barcelona Field Studies Centre. Available at: http://geographyfieldwork.com/BarcelonaModel2.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

CDRJ, 2010. Histórico do Porto. Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro. Available at: http://www.portosrio.gov.br/node/4 [Accessed January 13, 2011].

cefetsp, CORTIÇOS. CORTIÇOS. Available at: http://www.cefetsp.br/edu/eso/geografia/corticos261.html [Accessed January 13, 2011].

galataport.org, 2010. GALATAPORT: Galaport Projesi ile ilgili tum bilgiler burada. Galataport Karaköy İstanbul Istanbul. Available at: http://www.galataport.org/ [Accessed January 12, 2011].

GaWC, 2010. GaWC – Globalization and World Cities. Globalization and World Cities Research Network. Available at: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc/index.html [Accessed December 1, 2010].

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, 2010a. Am Sandtorkai / Dalmannkai – Projekt 24: Elbphilharmonie. HafenCity Hamburg. Available at: http://www.hafencity.com/de/am-sandtorkai-dalmannkai/projekt-24-elbphilharmonie.html [Accessed January 9, 2011].

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, 2010b. Das Hamburg Cruise Center HafenCity. HafenCity Hamburg. Available at: http://www.hafencity.com/de/infocenter/das-hamburg-cruise-center-hafencity.html [Accessed January 9, 2011].

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, 2010c. HafenCity Hamburg. HafenCity Hamburg. Available at: http://www.hafencity.com/index.php?set_language=de&cccpage=staedtebau_artikel&show=artikel&item=13 [Accessed January 9, 2011].

Harvey, D., 2008. The Right to the City. New Left Review, (53). Available at: http://www.newleftreview.org/?page=article&view=2740 [Accessed July 19, 2010].

HGK, 2010a. Chronologie. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/WETTBEWERBE.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

HGK, 2010b. Pandion Vista. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/Die%20PROJEKTE/3%20KranhausVista.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

HGK, 2010c. Rheinauhafen. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/Rheinauhafen.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

HGK, 2010d. Siebengebirge. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/Die%20PROJEKTE/9%20SIEBEN.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

HGK, 2010e. Wohnwer[f]t 18.20. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/Die%20PROJEKTE/13%20WW.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

Loughborough University, 2010. Loughborough University. Loughborough University. Available at: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/ [Accessed December 1, 2010].

Pela Moradia, 2010. Pela Moradia. Pela Moradia. Available at: http://pelamoradia.wordpress.com/ [Accessed November 9, 2010].

Rio Negócios, 2010a. 2014 World Cup. Rio Negócios. Available at: http://www.rio-negocios.com/site/en/2014-world-cup/ [Accessed January 13, 2011].

Rio Negócios, 2010b. 2016 Olympics. Rio Negócios. Available at: http://www.rio-negocios.com/site/en/2016-olympics/ [Accessed January 13, 2011].

Rio Prefeitura & CDURP, 2010. Projeto Porto Maravilha. Projeto Porto Maravilha. Available at: http://www.portomaravilhario.com.br/cdurp/ [Accessed January 13, 2011].

RSK, 2010. Rheinauhafen. Köln Marina RSK. Available at: http://www.rheinau-sporthafen.de/ [Accessed January 10, 2011].

RVG, 2010. Das Konzept des Rheinauhafens. Rheinauhafen Köln. Available at: http://www.rheinauhafen-koeln.de/Konzept [Accessed January 10, 2011].

da Silva, C., 2009. As ocupações de prédios vazios e o esvaziamento do centro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. ChiqdaSilva. Available at: http://www.chiqdasilva.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56:imgtxt01&catid=3:textos&Itemid=4 [Accessed November 5, 2010].

STUDIOSarchitecture, 2010. Galata Port. STUDIOSarchitecture. Available at: http://www.studiosarchitecture.com/projects/65 [Accessed January 11, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010. Agribusiness. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Agribusiness [Accessed December 1, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2011. Cologne. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Cologne [Accessed January 10, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010a. Condominium. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Condos [Accessed January 10, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010b. David Harvey (Geograph). Wikipedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/wiki/David_Harvey_(Geograph) [Accessed November 23, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2011. Favela. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Favela [Accessed January 13, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2001. HafenCity. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/wiki/HafenCity [Accessed January 9, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010. Henri Lefebvre. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_Lefebvre [Accessed November 19, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2011. Istanbul. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Istanbul [Accessed January 11, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010a. John Friedmann. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/John_Friedmann [Accessed January 14, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010b. Karaköy. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Karak%C3%B6y [Accessed January 11, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010c. Kranhaus. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/wiki/Kranhaus [Accessed January 10, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010d. Manuel Castells. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Manuel_Castells [Accessed December 1, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2010e. Opera Australia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Sydney_Opera [Accessed January 9, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010f. Peter Hall (urbanist). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Peter_Hall_(urbanist) [Accessed November 25, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2011. Rio de Janeiro. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Rio_de_janeiro#Port [Accessed January 13, 2011].

Wikipedia, 2010a. Saskia Sassen. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Saskia_Sassen [Accessed November 23, 2010].

Wikipedia, 2010b. Severinsviertel. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/wiki/K%C3%B6ln-Altstadt-S%C3%BCd#Severinsviertel [Accessed January 10, 2011].

Wikipédia, 2011. Porto de Itaguaí. Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Available at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/pt/wiki/Porto_de_Sepetiba [Accessed January 13, 2011].

References::Urban Struggle for the Right to the City (en)

Complete reference list for Urban Struggle for the Right to the City (en)

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Barcelona City Council, 2009. Barcelona Bulletin, Barcelona: Barcelona City Council. Available at: http://w3.bcn.cat/fitxers/premsa/bul262.679.pdf [Accessed December 5, 2010].

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Blenck, J., Nipper, J. & Wiktorin, D., 2001. Köln: der historisch-topographische Atlas, Köln: Emons.

Brown, A. & Kristiansen, A., 2009. Urban Policies and the Right to the City: Rights, responsibilities and citizenship. Available at: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0017/001780/178090e.pdf [Accessed January 12, 2010].

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Bruttomesso, R., 1993. Working on the Water’s Edge. In Waterfronts: A new frontier for cities on water. Venice:: International Centre Cities on Water. Available at: http://www.citiesonwater.com/sito/pubblicazioni/waterfronts/editoriale.htm [Accessed December 19, 2010].

Butuner, B., 2006. Waterfront Revitalization as a Challenging Urban Issue. In ISoCaRP Congress. Available at: http://www.isocarp.net/Data/case_studies/792.pdf.

Castells, M., 2004. Space of Flows, Space of Places: Materials for a Theory of Urbanism in the Information Age. In The Cybercities Reader. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 82-93.

COHRE, 2007. Mega-Events, Forced Evictions and Displacements. Available at: http://www.cohre.org/sites/default/files/fact_sheet_mega-events_5_june_2007.pdf [Accessed December 5, 2010].

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Fox, M., 2010. Brazil’s World Cup Development Debacle. Upside Down World. Available at: http://upsidedownworld.org/main/brazil-archives-63/2316-brazils-world-cup-development-debacle-?tmpl=component&print=1&page= [Accessed December 7, 2010].

Friedmann, J. & Wolff, G., 1982. World city formation: an agenda for research and action. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 6(3), pp.309-344. Available at: http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/j.1468-2427.1982.tb00384.x.

Gilbert, L. & Dikeç, M., 2008. Right to the city: Policits of citizenship. In Space, Difference, Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre. New York: Routledge, pp. 250-261.

Greene, S.J., 2003. Staged Cities: Mega-events, Slum Clearance,
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HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, 2006. Hafencity Hamburg: der Masterplan. Available at: [Accessed January 5, 2011].

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HGK, 2010b. Siebengebirge. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/Die%20PROJEKTE/9%20SIEBEN.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

HGK, 2010c. Wohnwer[f]t 18.20. Modernes Köln. Available at: http://www.moderneskoeln.de/Die%20PROJEKTE/13%20WW.htm [Accessed January 10, 2011].

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Urban Struggle for the Right to the City (en)

The aim of this paper is to give an overview about the right to the city. The right to the city is a concept that is part of the discourse about contemporary urban development with its accompanied and resulting social inequalities. It is referred to in institutional discourse on international level by UN-Habitat/UNESCO, on city level in form of statutes that intends to grant more rights to city dwellers (such as in Brazil and Mexico) but emerges also in various forms in the struggle of (urban) social movements and grassroots groups all over the world. Therefore it seems to be interesting to take a closer look to its roots that has been initially planted by the French sociologist and philosopher Henri Lefebvre.

Due to its complexity, it is not the aim of this paper to comprehensively lay out the right to the city to its full extend and in all its possible forms and facets. The paper focus on the basic concepts and takes a further look at contemporary interpretations of scholars such as David Harvey and Manuel Castells. Hence, the right to the city is used here primarily to describe the development of the ‘capitalist city’, its negative effects for its inhabitants and the potential utopias that could be made possible, in contrast to other approaches such as the ‘creative city’ developed by urban theorists like Richard Florida.

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I am here, but why?

…was the initial question asked at the Festival do Mapeamento at Ay Carmela!

But, instead of writing about the festival now I also asked this question in the context of my thesis. My obvious answer: do (empirical) research about a methodology of applying mobile (communication) devices and their potentials in the struggle of marginalized people/community in urban areas by realizing a practical (participatory/emancipatory/autonomous) urban mapping project where people document their local urban environment and make use of the gathered information (ie. on a digital map) to provoke a transformation of the situation and to empower the people/community.

In theory, this sounds good but in practice, however, several fundamental problems and contradictions arise which made me rethink the objectives of the research project which I will lay out in the next paragraphs.

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In order to answer the research question of this thesis,
the following overall objective and the corresponding sub-objectives
shall be achieved:


Implementation and analysis of the
methodology that allows the community based mapping of the urban
environment in a peer-2-peer “produsage” process.

of the theoretical concepts for the intended produsage process.

of an indicator system that takes the restrictions of mobile phones
and the structure of the communities’ urban environment into account.

of a (digital) map that is fed with urban spatial information from
mobile phones.

exchange with the community.

of the produsage processes and creation of a corresponding info-kit
as possible guideline for similar projects.



Research Proposal

master thesis will be placed within the framework of the
network-society. The network-society allows many-to-many
communication, self-production, -publishing, -usage and facilitate
social change from the grassroots level. Several related concepts are
therefore important for this research:

and usage means that we become
producer and user at the same time (Bruns,2009). Produsage also means
that information creation and usage is peer based, which assembles
the network-society’s concept of many-to-many communication.
Peer-based means that a network of interconnected people continuously
creates, changes and uses information (
Foundation, 2009
By nature, this information is common because everyone can access
these information without restriction (
Foundation, 2010
Peer-based also means decentralized, thus no central instance exist
that determines the purpose of the network.

network of interest for this master thesis connects people by mobile
phones. We have seen that mobile communication is the most widespread
technology which should allow many people to construct such a
network. Mobile communication is considered as the suitable tool to
form a peer-based network of people that produses common information
in order to provoke social change according to their needs and their
local context.

geographical focus of this thesis will be put on the urban
environment because the highly urbanized conglomerations of our time
are the place of highest disparity between rich and poor and host the
majority of the worlds population. At the same time, a large number
of social organisation and struggle can be found in this areas, ie.
local communities, cooperatives and urban (social) movements. As
shown earlier, urban areas are also those areas with the highest
concentration of mobile phone subscribers which is a prerequisite to
allow peer-based mobile phone networks to emerge.

finally back to the meaning of information itself it was shown that
information is the main good of the network-society. Information
represent political messages if they can reach the members of
society, because society construct itself around available
information, thus their public availability can be used to exercise
social power. It is therefore necessary to make information
available. When considering the urban environment, user generated
digital maps can be used to publish common information and
simultaneously provide the means to analyse and reuse them in order
to develop strategies for social change. This leads to the research
question of this thesis:

mobile communication be used to map the urban environment of a
community in a peer-based “produsage” process?

The following References can also be found in the corresponding zotero.org


Bruns, A., 2009. ‘Anyone Can Edit’ : Vom Nutzer zum Produtzer. Kommunikation@Gesellschaft, 10. Available at: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/27479/ [Accessed January 6, 2010].  

P2P Foundation, 2010. Commons. P2P Foundation. Available at: http://p2pfoundation.net/Commons [Accessed February 10, 2010].

P2P Foundation, 2009. Peer Production. P2P Foundation. Available at: http://p2pfoundation.net/Peer_Production [Accessed February 10, 2010].


Mobile Activism and Social Change

The purpose of the following text is to give an overview about the
worldwide rise digital activism to provoke social change with a special emphasis on mobile phone activism.
It is work in progress and by
far not complete
. This initial version is based on the corresponding
paragraphs written for the research proposal of this thesis. 

The current text tries to classifiy different forms of mobile activism according to existing projects and movements that facilitates mobile phones in their struggle. The classification is currently somewhat limited and needs to be elaborated further. The main aim is to get a rough overview about the context in which mobile phones are used more frequently (such as advocacy or crisis monitoring to name just a few) and in which areas mobile phones are not used yet used so frequently.

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The Mobile Revolution

The purpose of the following text is to give an overview about the worldwide rise of information and communication technology (ICT) with particular emphasis on the spread of mobile phones in Africa, South-America and Asia. It is work in progress and by far not complete
. This initial version is based on the corresponding
paragraphs written for the research proposal of this thesis. 

The current text presents statistical information about the usage of mobile phones worldwide in terms of number of mobile phone subscribers and provides a very short analysis of those numbers.

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The Network Society

The purpose of the following text is to introduce the theory of the network-society which provides the theoretical framework for the master thesis. It is work in progress and by far not complete yet. This initial version is based on the corresponding paragraphs writen for the research proposal of this thesis. 

It is currently divided into two parts; part one briefly explains the theory of the network-society while part two concentrates on the importance of information to provoke social change within the network-society.

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