Oct 6, 2010
fórum do centro (en)
On 29th of September 2010, the 7th reunion of the Forum do Centro de São Paulo took place at the Câmara Municipal in São Paulo. This forum was initiated (in additional to several other forums that already exist) by citizens that live in the center of the city in order to discuss and impact the development of this area. Several open working groups have been set up, which thematically range from garbage/solid residual treatment/management to the situation of the street population in this central area. The working groups clearly focus solely on impacting the institutional level, here in guise of the Subprefeitura Sé.
During the discussion, it was obvious that a lot of knowledge in the addressed areas is still lacking and that already existing information should be reviewed, such as a publication of Instituto Pólis about the Waste and Citizen Forum from 2007. Concerning the street population it was decided to create a mapping of all spaces around the city that serve them, in order to start to understand the (complexity of the) situation.
The reunion was not recorded completely but to a large extend. The complete recording is available, unprocessed, in original quality. Additionally, all speeches and presentations that concern the street population, which where given by the corresponding working group and persons that live on the streets or are part of the national movement (MNPR), are separately available.
All records can be found on archive.org and are dedicated to the commons.
00. Fórum do Centro [flac][ogg][mp3]
complete recording, original audio
01. Working Group Homeless People [flac][ogg][mp3]
overview of media coverage in order to start to understand the reality of the people
02. From the Streets [flac][ogg][mp3]
speech about the most pressing situations and the struggle of the homeless people
03. From the Streets [flac][ogg][mp3]
information about a group of homeless people that have been started their own photographer collective, Trecho 2.8.
comment about the street collective
comment about good treatment of public toilets by the homeless population
06. Fórum do Centro [flac][ogg][mp3]
suggestion to map all institutional spaces that serve the homeless population
r3cl41m, 2010. Fórum do Centro, São Paulo. Available at: http://www.archive.org/details/ForumDoCentro [Accessed October 6, 2010].
Câmara Municipal de São Paulo, 2010. Câmara Municipal de São Paulo. Câmara Municipal de São Paulo. Available at: http://www.camara.sp.gov.br/cr0309_net/forms/frmPrincipal.aspx [Accessed October 6, 2010].
Grimberg, E., 2007. Coleta seletiva com inclusão dos catadores – Fórum Lixo e Cidadania da Cidade de São Paulo Experiência e desafios. Revista Pólis, (49), 1-149.
Instituto Pólis, 2010. Instituto Pólis. Instituto Pólis. Available at: http://www.polis.org.br/ [Accessed October 6, 2010].
MNPR, FalaRua. FalaRua. Available at: http://www.falarua.org/ [Accessed August 23, 2010].
Prefeitura da Cidade de São Paulo, 2010. Subprefeitura Sé – Portal da Prefeitura da Cidade de São Paulo. Portal da Prefeitura da Cidade de São Paulo. Available at: http://www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/cidade/secretarias/subprefeituras/se/ [Accessed October 6, 2010].