

Self Determined Participatory Action of Marginalized Groups: The streets of São Paulo

What’s up…

After a period of silence on this site, here is a lifesign again with some updates and fresh stuff. One note on my silence first. I am writing my thesis right now and had literally no time to maintain this blog. I will try to change this for the time to come.

I would like to start with some updates for now. First of all, the subject of my thesis changed, shifting from the initial idea of researching grassroots mobile media usage and production in the struggle of marginalized people to a different theme. Thus, the title of my thesis changed from its initial proposal

Urban spatial information as commons: Potentials of mobile communication for peer based “produsage”


Self Determined Participatory Action of Marginalized Groups: The streets of São Paulo

I will explain this switch in the next post which will be taken off one section of the thesis methodology//self-conception chapter and that is talking about my experience in São Paulo. If I look at this blogs’ content, such a switch is somehow consequential.

Ok then, more stuff…

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Transparência HackDay: Temático Moradia (en)

This recording documents the Transpârencia HackDay which took place on Sunday, the 10th of October at the Casa da Cultura Digital in Barra Funda/São Paulo.

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Entrevista: Ocupação Avenida Ipiranga (pt)

Ontem, Sábado 9 de Outubro, a gente visitavam uma das novas ocupações no centro da cidade para entrevistar as pessoas e para gravar vídeos. Nós somos r3cl41m e coletivo arRUAssa com ativist@s da mídia independente Brasil e do Movi- mento de População de Rua (MNPR).

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fórum do centro (pt)

No dia 29 de Setembro aconteceu a sétima reunião do Fórum do Centro de São Paulo na Câmara Municipal em São Paulo. O fórum foi criado (adicional aos outros fóruns já existente) por cidadãos/cidadães do centro para discutir e afetar o desenvolvimento da área. Vários grupos de trabalhos foram criados que tratam assuntos como lixo/residuais solidas ou a situação da população de rua na área central da cidade. O trabalho deles está focando claramente nas instituições públicas responsáveis, aqui na aparência da Subprefeitura Sé.

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fórum do centro (en)

On 29th of September 2010, the 7th reunion of the Forum do Centro de São Paulo took place at the Câmara Municipal in São Paulo. This forum was initiated (in additional to several other forums that already exist) by citizens that live in the center of the city in order to discuss and impact the development of this area. Several open working groups have been set up, which thematically range from garbage/solid residual treatment/management to the situation of the street population in this central area. The working groups clearly focus solely on impacting the institutional level, here in guise of the Subprefeitura Sé.

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abahlali: call for general strike of informal settlement residents

repost of the massive Abahlali baseMjondolo call for strike of all informal settlements throughout whole south africa


Website: khayelitshastruggles.com or www.abahlali.org

Email: abmwesterncape@abahlali.org

office admin: 073 2562 936/ 078 760 5246

The Rally that was held at VE informal settlement on the 25th September 2010 by Abahlali baseMjondolo of the Western Cape resolved that the last week of October 2010 which is the 25th October till 29th October must be a week of informal settlement strike through out the country.

Immediately after that call, the residents of TR informal settlement took to the street where they closed Mew Way road with burning tyres, rubbish and stones.

Today after 5th day of continuous action of TR section residents, one of other Abahlali baseMjondolo community i.e. RR also took to the street where they also closed Lansdowne road (just opposite the Mew Hall)  with burning tyres, rubbish and stones as well.

As Abahlali baseMjondolo of the Western Cape, we are immediately calling upon all communities that affiliates to the movement and to those informal settlement that does not affiliate to the movement from Khayelitsha and through out the City of Cape Town to immediately took to the street with immediate effect and we are saying instead of calling the last week of October as a week of informal settlement strike lets us declare the month of October as a Month of informal settlement strike.

We call up on informal settlement through out the City of Cape Town to take to the street and barricade, let us make the whole City of Cape Town ungovernable, and let us create chaos through out the City.

Let us expose the fail or of corrupt DA and ANC led government to provide services for people residing within informal settlement.

Power to all informal settlement residents. We are saying umanyano ngamandla. Unity is Power

For comment call  073 2562 036


Abahlali baseMjondolo, 2010. Urgent Call (week of informal settlement strike). Abahlali baseMjondolo. Available at: http://www.abahlali.org/node/7335 [Accessed October 5, 2010].

Entrevista: Alderon da RedeRua (pt)

(click here for english version)

Ontem, foi realizado uma entrevista super legal com o Alderon da RedeRua. RedeRua é um centro de comunicação onde a gente trabalham com vários meios de comunicação para publicar e divulgar informações e conteúdo da rua e sua povo.

A entrevista tem uma duração de 1:15h e foi gravado na OCAS, um centro social e de cultura em Brás.A entrevista está disponível no site archive.org e foi publicado através de uma licencia livre. No momento só a gravação inteira está disponível, sem processamento de áudio mas já com qualidade de som razonável. Uma outra versão será disponível mais tarde. A entrevista foi feito em portuguese, uma transcrição em inglês será feito mais tarde também.

00. AlderonRedeRua – entrevista inteira [mp3][ogg][flac]

[update 2010.09.19]

Pedaços individuais da entrevista são disponível agora também.

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Interview: Alderon from RedeRua

(clique aqui para a versão portuguesa)

Yesterday a massive interview took place with Alderon from RedeRua. RedeRua is a communication centre that works with all kinds of communication means in order to publish and distribute information and content from the streets and its people.

The interview has a duration of about 1:15h and was recorded at OCAS, a social centre in the neighbourhood of Brás. It is available at archive.org under public domain. Currently, only the complete recording, uncut and unprocessed but already with good audio quality, is available. A cut and “mastered“ version will follow later. The interview is in Portuguese, an English transcription will follow as soon as possible as well.

Alderon RedeRua – complete interview [mp3][ogg][flac]

[update 2010.09.19]

The individual parts of the interview are available now as well.

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open access bibliography and sources

all literature references at rtc@zotero.org

open access thesis repository

all thesis Tex documents at rtc@github.com

opens maps

open map editing at

audio and video archives

all recordings at rtc@archive.org


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r3cl41m [at] riseup (.) net [public key]

jabber chat
r3cl41m [at] jabber {.) ccc (.} de
