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After two days on the streets (soon more in another post) with a friend who lived more than 10 years in the streets of São Paulo, we terminated our journey at the CONDEPE-SP which took place at Espaço da Cidadania “André Franco Montoro”, located at Largo Pateo do Collegio, 184 , right beside Praça de Sé.
The CONDEPE or Conselho Estadual de Defesa dos Direitos da Pessoa Humana (the states council for the protection of the rights of the human being) is a public institution composed of representatives of the civic society and public authorities whose aim is to „investigate violations of human rights on the territory of the state São Paulo, forward denunciations and representation to the corresponding and competent authorities and to study and propose general solutions for the related problems, in order to protect the basic rights of the human being“.
This Thursdays council has been a special public audience in certain ways: several members of the Mães de Maio publicly demanded the clearing of the executions of their children in May 2006 which has been supposedly conducted by assassination squads that existed and presumably still exist within the Brazilian military police (Polícia Militar – PM). The victims were predominantly black kids (jovens negros), afro-indigenous-descendants and poor, who lived in the peripheries of Baixada Santista , the metropolitan region that surrounds the city of Santos, on the coast of the state of São Paulo.
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(clique here for english version)
No último domingo aconteceu A vida é um moinho, um evento de solidariedade com @s morador@s da comunidade do Moinho, no meio do centro de São Paulo, em Bom Retiro entre as estacões de trem em Luz e Barra Funda.

linhas de trem limitam a favela em dois lados
Vários grupos do movimento hip hop e grafiteir@s organizavam o dia junto com a comunidade do Moinho para juntar comida e roupas para @s morador@s e para crescer o conhecimento sobre os problemas a comunidade enfrente. Mas além disso, o dia serviu também para mostrar os lados bons do lugar. O palco escolhido era impressionante, em cima da fábrica velha e abandonada (mas agora ocupada por morado@s), no meio do Moinho. Antigamente as casas e o terreno onde a favela do Moinho reside atualmente, eram parte da Fábrica Moinho Matarazzo. Tem mais informações sobre a história da família Matarazzo e o complexo industrial deles no dossiê O Grupo Matarazzo nas terras do município (Raízes, 2002) [pdf].

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(clique aqui para versão portuguesa)
A vida é um moinho took place yesterday in solidarity with the inhabitants of Favela do Moinho, right in the center of São Paulo, in Bom Retiro between the stations Barra Funda and Luz.

trains rails are what deliminates the favela on two sides
The day was organized by various hip hop and graffiti krews together with the Moinho community in order to collect food and clothes for the inhabitants and to raise awareness about the very serious issues Moinho has to face, but also to show the beautiful sides of the place. The chosen scenario was impressing, on the roof of the old (and now squated) industrial building, right in the middle of the favela , which was part of the previously existing Fábrica Moinho Matarazzo. More information about the history of the Matarazzo family and its industrial complex in Brazil can be found in the dossier O Grupo Matarazzo nas terras do município (Raízes, 2002) [pdf].

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…was the initial question asked at the Festival do Mapeamento at Ay Carmela!
But, instead of writing about the festival now I also asked this question in the context of my thesis. My obvious answer: do (empirical) research about a methodology of applying mobile (communication) devices and their potentials in the struggle of marginalized people/community in urban areas by realizing a practical (participatory/emancipatory/autonomous) urban mapping project where people document their local urban environment and make use of the gathered information (ie. on a digital map) to provoke a transformation of the situation and to empower the people/community.
In theory, this sounds good but in practice, however, several fundamental problems and contradictions arise which made me rethink the objectives of the research project which I will lay out in the next paragraphs.
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(click here for english version)
Os seguintes posts verá ao vários projetos de mapeamento em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Nairobi. Os projetos varia entre o mapeamento comunitária do slum Kibera em Nairobi, o mapeamento de 5 favelas no Rio de Janeiro numa forma de jornalismo cidadão até um mapeamento cultural de partes da Zonal Sul e Zona Leste de São Paulo.
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(clique aqui para ver a versão portuguese)
The next couple of posts will look at several existing mapping projects in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Nairobi. These projects range from community mapping of Kibera – a slum in Nairobi – to mapping several favelas in Rio de Janeiro in a kind of citizens journalism approach up to cultural mappings of parts of Zona Sul and Zona Leste of São Paulo.
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(english version below)
Quando: dia 26/06 – sábado às 19 horas
Onde: projeção nas paredes externas do Pátio
do Colégio (pertinho da Praça da Sé) Endereço – Praça
Pátio do Colégio, 84 – São Paulo
- Oração do Artista (experimental – Valter Machado)
- Mané Taitana (videoclip – Bob Neto)
- O homem que queria ser e (se) foi (experimental – Sidney Cardoso)
- Rua do Carmo com Tabatinguera/esquinas (entrevista – Valter Machado
e Mateus)
- Atormentados (videoclip – Bob Neto)
- Despretenso (experimental – Felipe)
- Esconde-esconde (experimental – kit e Valter Machado)
- Aspirina (videoclip – Bob Neto)
Todos os vídeos foram produzidos de forma autônoma e independente com
integrantes do Movimento Nacional de População de Rua e apoio do Centro de Mídia
Independente. No espaço Ay Carmela.
Divulguem, compareçam, tragam os amigos
Obs: Os artistas estarão presentes distribuindo autógrafos!
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(versão portuguese)
agora tem alguns contatos com movimento
sociais/coletivos e por isso está necessário a botar a metodologia
do projeto da pesquisa online para estabelecer a transparência do
projeto para todos/todas. até agora, a programa do do projeto da
pesquisa é finalizado e revelar descrições mais detalhadas dos
passos individuais. a programa pode ser encontrado no seguinte link
até agora, os passos mais importante no inicio do
projeto estão prontos. neste momento os passos estão
(english version)
due to the contact with several social movements/collectives, it is time to update to methodology of the case study in order to make the project proposal transparent for everyone. until now, the time schedule has been conpleted and leads to in detail descriptions of the single steps. the schedule can be found under the following link
until now not all steps have been described in detail but the most important necessary to start the project. these steps are currently
Related to the previous post – motoboys in São Paulo, another really massive realisation of
community media broadcasting can be found in colombia where Desplazados – internally
displaced colombians and Desvinculados – colombians that abandonded their arms to take part in civic life, report on canal*TEMPORAL.
"En consejos de redacción semanales dos colectivos de
personas en condición de desplazamiento* y desvinculación**
en Manizales acuerdan temas que expresan su historia, cotidianidad y
expectativas, que luego registran y transmiten desde celulares
utilizando palabras claves.
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